The Senate will resume consideration of S.3217, Wall Street Reform.
The following amendments are pending to Dodd-Lincoln #3739 (Substitute) to S.3217: - Brownback #3789, as further modified (automobile manufacturers) - Snowe-Pryor #3883 (small business) - Specter #3776 (civil action) - Leahy #3823 (antitrust laws) - Whitehouse #3746 (States rights) - Cardin #4050 (resource extraction issuers)
Senator Reid then filed cloture on the Dodd-Lincoln substitute amendment and S.3217, Wall Street Reform. Senator Reid said that he had a conversation with Senator McConnell and they agreed that they will continue to process amendments tomorrow and Tuesday. Under Rule 22, the cloture vote will occur one hour after the Senate convenes on Wednesday.
Senator Dodd then asked consent to set aside pending amendments in order to call up the Bond-Dodd amendment #4056. Senator Wyden asked to modify the request to allow Wyden to call up amendment #4019 (secret holds). Senator Risch objected to Wyden's request and the original request was granted.
By unanimous consent, the following amendments are in order:
Cardin-Lugar #4050; - Corker re: preemption, and - Carper side-by-side to Corker amendment re: preemption.