Following the prayer and the pledge, the Majority Leader will be recognized.
It is the Majority Leader's intention to begin consideration of the motion to proceed Calendar #400, S.3187, the FDA user fees bill with the time until 10:30am equally divided and controlled between the two Leaders or their designees with the Republicans controlling the first half and the Majority controlling the final half.
At 10:30am, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session to consider the following items:
Executive Calendar #646, Jeremy C. Stein, of Massachusetts, to be a Member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the unexpired term of fourteen years from February 1, 2004 and
Executive Calendar #647, Jerome H. Powell, of Maryland, to be a Member of Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the unexpired term of fourteen years from February 1, 2000
with up to 90 minutes of debate on the nominations equally divided and controlled between Senators Johnson (SD) and Shelby or their designees.
Upon the use or yielding back of time (at approximately 12:00pm), the Senate will vote on confirmation of the nominations in the order listed above. Each nomination will require 60-votes in the affirmative.