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Schedule for Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00am on Tuesday, May 17, 2016.

Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of H.R.2577, THUD/Milcon-VA, with the time until 12:30pm equally divided between the Managers or their designees.

The Senate will recess from 12:30pm until 2:15pm to allow for the weekly caucus meetings.

The time from 2:15pm until 2:30pm will be equally divided. By consent, at 2:30pm the cloture motions with respect to the amendments on Zika funding will ripen and the Senate will vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the Nelson amendment. If cloture is not invoked on Nelson, cloture will immediately ripen on the Cornyn amendment. If cloture is not invoked on Cornyn, cloture will immediately ripen on the Blunt-Murray amendment. If cloture is invoked, there will then be up to 30 hours of debate on the amendment prior to a vote on adoption.

Tuesday at 2:30pm - up to 3 roll call votes:

  1. Motion to invoke cloture on Nelson SA #3898 ($1.9billion Zika funding);
  2. Motion to invoke cloture on Cornyn SA #3899, as modified ($1.1billion Zika funding, $1.2billion offset through ACA prevention fund cut); and
  3. Motion to invoke cloture on Blunt-Murray SA #3900, as modified ($1.1billion Zika funding).

The filing deadline for 2nd degree amendments to SA #3898, SA #3899, and SA #3900 is one hour prior to the cloture vote. If cloture is invoked, amendments must be germane and timely filed to be considered in order post cloture.

Amendments pending to H.R.2577, THUD/Milcon-VA

Collins SA #3896 (substitute)

Lee SA #3897 (affirmative action/housing)

Nelson SA #3898 ($1.9billion Zika funding)

Cornyn SA #3899, as modified ($1.1billion Zika funding, $1.2billion offset through ACA prevention fund cut)

Blunt-Murray SA #3900, as modified ($1.1billion Zika funding).