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Senate agrees to amendments to H.R.2577

The Senate agreed to the following amendments to H.R.2577, THUD/MilCon-VA appropriations, by voice vote:


  1. King SA #3934 - disabled vets and student loans;
  2. Rubio SA #3918 - Shortens the time period for landlords to address physical deficiencies in HUD-assisted housing;
  3. Heller SA #3905 - Prohibits individuals convicted of murder, sexual assault and trafficking, and child pornography from accessing HUD-assisted housing;
  4. Rubio SA #3926 - Real Estate Assessment Center physical inspections;
  5. Manchin SA #3961 - airport repairs;
  6. Booker SA #3941 - restores FAST Act eligibility to CRISI grant program for construction projects related to passenger rail;


  1. Tester SA #3914 - construction requirements in Europe;
  2. Kirk SA #3948 - access roads;
  3. Heller SA #3948 - disability compensation claims;
  4. Heitkamp SA #3954 - vets counseling in rural areas; and
  5. Bennet SA #3971 - disabled vets on Olympic teams.