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3 votes expected tomorrow at 11:15am

The Senate has reached an agreement that at 11:15am tomorrow, Thursday, May 19, all post-cloture time will be considered expired on the Blunt-Murray amendment #3900. We expect Senator Lee to raise a budget point of order against the Blunt-Murray amendment. If raised and waived, the Senate will vote on adoption of the amendment.

By the rules, upon disposition of the Blunt-Murray amendment, the Senate will vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the Collins substitute amendment #3896. Further, if cloture is invoked on the substitute, that the Cornyn amendment #3899 and the Nelson amendment #3898 will be withdrawn and that it be in order for Senator Collins to call up amendment #3970, and that there be no second degrees in order to the Collins amendment #3970 or the Lee amendment #3897.

Thursday at 11:15am - 3 roll call votes expected

  1. Motion to waive budget point of order with respect to Blunt-Murray SA #3900 on Zika funding;
  2. Adoption of Blunt-Murray amendment #3900 (Zika funding); and
  3. Cloture on substitute amendment #3896.