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Zika funding consents

Senator Reid asked unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to the consideration of Calendar #157, H.R.3038; that the Nelson substitute amendment to enhance the Federal response and preparedness with respect to the Zika virus be agreed to; that there be up to 1 hour of debate, equally divided, prior a vote on passage of the bill, as amended. (Nelson amendment provides $1.9 billion in emergency Zika funding)

Senator Cornyn objected.

Senator Murray then asked unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to the consideration of Calendar #157, H.R.3038; that the Blunt-Murray substitute amendment to enhance the Federal response and preparedness with respect to the Zika virus be agreed to; that there be up to 1 hour of debate, equally divided, prior a vote on passage of the bill, as amended. (Blunt-Murray amendment provides $1.1 billion in emergency Zika funding)

Senator Cornyn asked that the request be modified to include the Cornyn language at the desk. ($1.1 billion Zika funding, offset through ACA prevention fund cut)

Senator Murray objected to the modification. Senator Cornyn objected to Senator Murray's original request.

Senator Lankford then asked consent that the pending amendment be set aside so that he could offer Lankford amendment #3955 to the Blunt-Murray amendment #3900 (pay for).

Senator Nelson objected.