There will be a period of morning business for 1hour with senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each. The Republicans will control the first 30 minutes and the Majority will control the final 30 minutes.
Following morning business, the Senate will resume consideration of S.3217, Wall Street Reform. By unanimous consent, the cloture vote on the substitute amendment will occur not prior to 3:15pm.
The filing deadline for second degree amendments is 1pm.
The Senate stands in recess until 3:15pm.
The following amendments are pending to Dodd-Lincoln #3739 (Substitute) to S.3217: - Brownback #3789, as further modified (automobile manufacturers) - Specter #3776 (civil action) - Leahy #3823 (antitrust laws) - Whitehouse #3746, as modified (States rights) -Cantwell #3884, as modified (Glass Steagall) - Cardin #4050 (resource extraction issuers) Grassley #4072 (Inspector General)
The Senate has reached an agreement to concurrently debate the Whitehouse amendment #3746, as further modified (consumer protection) and Ensign amendment (text of which is identical to amendment #'s 4119, 4120, and 4121 with a change in the instruction line).
Upon the use or yielding back of time, the Senate will proceed to vote in relation to the following:
Whitehouse #3746, as further modified (consumer protection), and - Ensign amendment (definition of credit).
Senator Dodd also asked unanimous consent that it be in order for the Cantwell amendment #4086 to be called up for consideration.