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Senate Floor Schedule For Tuesday, May 20, 2008

  • Morning Business until 12:00noon, with 10 minute limitations. Republicans controlled the first 30 minutes and the Majority controlled the second 30 minutes.
  • 12:00 noon proceeded to Executive Session to consider Executive Calendar #537, Michael G. McGinn, to be U.S. Marshall -MN; Executive Calendar #538, Ralph E. Martinez to be member of Foreign Claims Settlement Commission; and Executive Calendar # 574, G. Steven Agee, with the time until 12:30 equally divided and controlled between the Chair and Ranking Member.
  • Recessed from 12:30 until 2:15pm for the caucus luncheons.
  • At 2:15pm, 15 minutes for debate equally divided and controlled between Senators Warner and Webb.
  • 2:30pm Roll Call Vote on confirmation of the Agee nomination. Following the vote, McGinn and Martinez nominations were confirmed by unanimous consent.
  • Following Executive Session, the Senate considered the House Message to accompany H.R.2642, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations.
  • Reid moved to concur in the House amendment with an amendment #4789 (Domestic Funding) and offered a second degree amendment #4790 (Technical).
  • Senator Menendez raised a Rule 16 point of order against amendment #4789. The point of order was sustained and the amendment fell.
  • Reid moved to concur in the House amendment with an amendment #4803 (Domestic Spending) and offered a second degree amendment #4804 (technical).
  • Senator Reid filed cloture on the Reid amendment #4803. The filing deadline for second degree amendments is one hour prior to the cloture vote. Unless an agreement is reached, the cloture vote would occur Thursday.
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 9:30am tomorrow.