Senator Murray asked unanimous consent to proceed to
H.Con.Res.25, that the amendment which is at the desk, the text of
S.Con.Res. 8, the budget resolution passed by the Senate, be inserted in lieu thereof; that
H.Con.Res.25, as amended, be agreed to; the motion to reconsider be made and laid upon the table; that the Senate insist on its amendment, request a conference with the House on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses; and the Chair be authorized to appoint conferees. This is the long way of saying she asked to go to conference on the Budget resolution.
Senator Paul asked that Murray modify her request to make it not in order to consider any conference report that includes reconciliation instructions to raise the debt limit. Senator McCain objected to Paul's request.
Senator McCain then asked that the original Murray request be modified so that 2 motions to instruct conferees be in order, one related to the debt limit and the other related to taxes. Senator Paul objected to the modification. Senator Paul then objected to Murray's original request.