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Agreement to vote in relation to Sanders #965--2 votes at 10:30am tomorrow

The Senate has reached an agreement that tomorrow, following the cloture vote on the Srinivasan nomination and notwithstanding cloture having been invoked, if invoked, the Senate resume legislative session and consideration of S.954, the Farm bill, and the Senate then proceed to vote in relation to the pending Sanders amendment #965 (GMO food labels). No second degree amendments are in order prior to the vote. the amendment is subject to a 60 affirmative vote threshold. The time consumed during consideration of the Farm bill will count post-cloture.

There will be 2 roll call votes at 10:30am:

-          motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #95, the nomination of Srikanth Srinivasan, Virginia, to be United States Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia; and

-          Sanders amendment #965 (GMO foods)(60 affirmative-vote threshold).