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Motion to proceed to H.R.2048 adopted by voice vote; McConnell files cloture on H.R.2048 and MTP to H.R.1735

The motion to proceed to H.R.2048, USA Freedom Act, was adopted by voice vote. Senator McConnell then filled the amendment tree and filed cloture on the bill. If no agreement is reached, the cloture vote would occur 1 hour after the Senate convenes on Tuesday. Senators will be notified when the cloture vote is scheduled.

The filing deadline for first degree amendments is 1:00pm tomorrow, Monday June 1. If cloture is invoked, amendments must be germane and timely filed to be considered in order post cloture. The filing deadline for second degree amendments would be 1 hour prior to the cloture vote on Tuesday.

Senator McConnell then moved to proceed to Calendar #99, H.R.1735, Defense Authorization, and filed cloture on the motion. That cloture vote would occur upon disposition of H.R.2048, USA Freedom Act.