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Votes expected shortly after lunch circa 2:30pm

We are moving in the direction where we may be in a position to vote shortly after the caucus luncheons. Currently, we have a couple of brief speakers when we reconvene at 2:15pm and then we could be ready to vote. Things could change during caucus, but at this time we expect the votes to begin around 2:30pm.
  1. Motion to table McConnell SA #1452 to the underlying bill (includes provisions of amendments 1449, 1450, and 1451) (expect this to be a voice vote)
(McConnell second degree SA #1453 (date change) would go down if SA #1452 is tabled)
  1. McConnell second degree SA #1451 (amicus)
  2. McConnell first degree to the substitute SA #1450 (12 month transition)
  3. McConnell SA #1449 (substitute)
  4. Passage of H.R. 2048, USA Freedom Act, as amended, if amended
  5. Cloture on the motion to proceed to S.1376, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016