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Now voting on cloture on cyber security amendment -- dueling UCs

Senator McCain asked unanimous consent that we vote on cloture on the cyber-security amendment at 3:00pm today and vote on a series of amendments at 11:00am on Tuesday (details of request can be found below).

Senator Reid asked that the request be modified so that the cloture motion on the cyber-security amendment be withdrawn and that the Senate proceed to Calendar #28, S.754, the Burr cyber security bill, upon disposition of the NDAA bill.

Senator McConnell asked that the Reid request be modified that following disposition of H.R. 2865, the Defense Appropriations bill, the Senate consider the Burr cyber-security bill, with 10 relevant amendments on each side, with 60-vote thresholds for the amendments and bill.

Senator Reid asked consent that the Senate proceed to the Burr cyber security bill upon disposition of the NDAA bill.

There were objections to each of the requests.

The Senate then agreed to move the cloture vote on the Burr amendment #1569, as modified (cyber-security) at 3:00pm today.

Senator McConnell then filed cloture on McCain substitute amendment #1463 and the underlying bill, H.R.1735, NDAA.

At 3:03pm, the Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Burr amendment #1569, as modified (cyber-security).

McCain request #1:

Senator McCain asked unanimous consent that notwithstanding rule 22 (the cloture rule), the cloture vote on amendment #1569, as modified, be moved to 3:00pm today. Further that it be in order to call up the following amendments:

Ernst SA #1549

Gillibrand SA #1578

Whitehouse SA #1693

Fischer/Booker SA #1825

Collins SA #1660

Cardin SA #1468

That at 11:00am on Tuesday, June 16th, the Senate vote in relation to the following amendments in the order listed:

Fischer/Booker SA #1825

Collins SA #1660

Cardin SA #1468

Gillibrand SA #1578

Ernst SA #1549

Whitehouse SA #1693

Durbin SA #1559, as modified

Paul SA #1543

That there be no second degree amendments in order to any of these amendments prior to the votes, and that the Gillibrand, Ernst, Whitehouse, Durbin, and Paul amendments require 60 affirmative votes for adoption. Also, that there be 2 minutes equally divided between the votes and that all votes after the first be 10 minutes in length.

Further, that notwithstanding rule 22, the cloture vote on the McCain substitute amendment #1463 occur at 3:00 on Tuesday, June 16th.

Objected to.


Reid's request #2:

I ask unanimous consent that the cloture motion with respect to amendment #1569, as modified (cyber security), be withdrawn; that the pending amendment #1569, as modified, be withdrawn; and that upon the disposition of H.R.1735, NDAA, the Senate proceed to the consideration of Calendar#28, S.754, cyber-security.

Objected to.

McConnell request #3

Senator McConnell asked that the Reid request be modified that following disposition of H.R. 2865, the Defense Appropriations bill, the Senate consider the Burr cyber-security bill, with 10 relevant amendments on each side, with 60-vote thresholds for the amendments and bill.

Objected to.

Reid request #4

Senator Reid then asked unanimous consent that following disposition of H.R.1735, NDAA, the Senate proceed to the consideration of S.754, Cyber Security.

Objected to

McConnell request #5

I ask unanimous consent that at 3:00pm today, the Senate proceed to the cloture vote on the Burr amendment #1921, as modified (cyber security and background checks)

Agreed to