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Senator Coburn objects to next 4 amendments/Reid calls up 2 amendments

Senator Reid asked unanimous consent to consider the next 4 amendments to the Farm bill. Senator Coburn objected. The request can be found below. Senator Reid then offered the following amendments:

Reid amendment # 2406 which is the text of Coburn amendment #2353 (to eliminate certain working lands conservation programs); and

Reid amendment 2407 which is the text of DeMint amendment #2285 (convert all mandatory spending to discretionary spending)

Reid's UC request that Senator Coburn objected to:

Leader:            I ask unanimous consent that the pending motion to recommit be withdrawn; that amendment #2390 be withdrawn; that the Stabenow-Roberts amendment #2389 be agreed to; the bill, as amended, be considered original text for the purposes of further amendment; that the following four amendments be the first amendments in order to the bill with no other first degree amendments in order until these amendments are disposed of:

- Coburn #2353;

- Hagan #2366;

- DeMint #2285; and

- McCaskill #2222.

That there be up to 60 minutes of debate equally divided between the two Leaders, or their designees, on each of the amendments; that upon the use or yielding back of time on all four amendments, the Senate proceed to votes in relation to the amendments in the order listed; that there be no amendments or motions in order to the amendments prior to the votes other than motions to waive points of order and motions to table; that upon disposition of these amendments, the Majority Leader be recognized.

Senator Coburn objected.