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1 roll call vote expected at noon re: PA judge/Reid comments on immigration bill/noon vote/s last of the week

At 11:30am, we will execute the previous order to consider the Alejandro and Schmehl nominations. At 11:30am, there will be up to 30 minutes for debate equally divided prior to votes on confirmation of the nominations.

If all time is used, at approximately 12:00 noon the Senate will vote on confirmation of the following nominations:

-       Executive Calendar #47, Nitza I Quinones Alejandro, of Pennsylvania, to be United States District Judge for the Easter District of Pennsylvania; (voice vote expected) and

-       Executive Calendar #49, Jeffrey L. Schmehl, of Pennsylvania, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania (roll call vote expected).

On the Immigration bill, Senator Reid reiterated his intent to complete action on the bill before the July Fourth state work period. There is a lot we have to finish. There are meetings off the hill today to discuss how to proceed with the bill. Senator Reid hopes people to continue to work on an agreement on the bill. In order to facilitate these discussions, there will be no roll call votes in relation to immigration amendments for the remainder of this week.