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Agreement with respect to Simon & Panetta nominations and Cloture on S.782 and the motion to proceed to S.679

During Thursday's session of the Senate, Senator Reid filed cloture on the motion to proceed to Calendar #75, S.679, the Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act of 2011.  The Senate then entered into the following unanimous consent agreement.

  • At 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 21, 2011, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session to consider Calendar #34, the nomination of Michael H. Simon, of Oregon, to be US District Judge for the District of Oregon with one hour for debate equally divided and controlled  between Senators Leahy and Grassley.  Upon the use or yielding back of time (at approximately 12pm), the Senate will conduct a roll call vote on confirmation of the Simon nomination.
  • Following this vote, the Senate will recess until 2:15 p.m. for the weekly party conferences.
  • At 2:15 p.m., the Senate will consider Executive Calendar #183, Leon E. Panetta to be Secretary of Defense with 2 hours for debate equally divided between the two Leaders, or their designees.  Upon the use or yielding back of time (at approximately 4:15pm), the Senate will conduct a roll call vote on confirmation of the Panetta nomination.
  • Following this vote, the Senate will resume consideration of  S. 782, the EDA bill and conduct a roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the bill.
  • If cloture is not invoked, the Senate will immediately conduct an additional roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to S. 679, the Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act of 2011.
  • Therefore, Senators should expect up to 4 roll call votes on Tuesday, June 21st:
    • at approximately12pm
      • Confirmation of the Simon nomination
    • at approximately 4:15pm
      • Confirmation of the Panetta nomination
      • Motion to invoke cloture on S.782, the Economic Development Act
      • Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to S.679, the Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act