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McConnell files cloture on Feinstein, Cornyn, Murphy, Grassley amendments to H.R.2578, CJS Approps

Senator Shelby, on behalf of the Appropriations Committee, withdrew the committee reported amendment to H.R.2578, Commerce, Justice, Science appropriations. He then offered amendment #4685 (substitute, same text of the previously offered sub).

Senator McConnell called up Feinstein amendment #4720 (terror gap) to the substitute amendment. He then called up Cornyn second-degree amendment #4749 (terror gap) to the Feinstein amendment.

Senator McConnell then moved to commit the bill to the Judiciary Committee with instructions (text of Murphy amendment #4750 [background checks]). He then offered Grassley amendment #4751 (background checks) to the instructions, and called up 2nd degree amendment #4752 (date change).

Senator McConnell then filed cloture on Grassley amendment #4751, the motion to commit with instructions (Murphy amendment #4750), Cornyn amendment #4749, and Feinstein amendment #4720.

We expect these cloture motions to ripen on Monday.

Monday, June 20 - up to 4 roll call votes:

  1. Grassley amendment #4751
  2. Murphy amendment #4750
  3. Cornyn amendment #4749
  4. Feinstein amendment #4720

If cloture is invoked on any of the amendments, there would be up to 30 hours of debate prior to a vote on the amendment and then we would move on to the next cloture vote.