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2 pending amendments agreed to by voice vote; 6 pending amendments fall; McCain substitute amendment agreed to; Senate now voting on cloture on H.R.1735, as amended

The Senate agreed to the following pending amendments by voice vote:

Hatch-Inhofe-Mikulski SA #1911, as further modified;

McCain SA #1456.

The following pending amendments fell on a point of order that they are not germane post-cloture:

Blumenthal SA #1564;

Fischer SA #1825;

Durbin SA #1559;

Paul SA #1543;

Markey SA #1645; and

Cornyn SA #1486.

The Senate then agreed to the McCain substitute amendment #1463, as amended, by voice vote.

At 4:04pm, the Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on H.R.1735, NDAA, as amended.