The agreement is as follows:
Leader: I ask unanimous consent that when the Senate resumes consideration of S.3240, the pending motion to recommit be withdrawn; that amendment #2390 be withdrawn; that the Stabenow-Roberts amendment #2389 be agreed to; the bill, as amended, be considered original text for the purposes of further amendment; that the following amendments and motions be the only first degree amendments and motions in order to the bill:
- Akaka #2440 (highly fractionated tribal lands);
- Akaka #2396 (tribal relations office);
- Baucus #2429 (Livestock);
- Bingaman #2364 (multi-state aquifers);
- Brown (OH) #2445 (rural development);
- Cantwell #2370 (pulse pilot);
- Casey #2238 (technical/study -federal milk marketing)
- Coons #2426 (poultry insurance study);
- Feinstein #2422 (conservation innovation grants);
- Feinstein #2309 (insurance recall);
- Gillibrand #2156 (SNAP);
- Hagan #2366 (crop insurance - plain language);
- Kerry #2187 (commercial fishermen);
- Landrieu #2321 (rural development loans);
- Manchin #2345 (dietary study);
- Merkley #2382 (organic crop insurance);
- Schumer #2427 (acer);
- Stabenow #2453 (NAP);
- Udall (CO) #2295 (bark beetle);
- Warner #2457 (rural broadband);
- Wyden #2442 (microloans);
- Wyden #2388 (farm to school);
- Leahy #2204 (rural development);
- Nelson (NE) #2242 (rural housing);
- Klobuchar #2299 (transportation study);
- Carper #2287 (poultry feed research);
- Sanders #2254 (biomass);
- Thune #2437 (crop insurance);
- Durbin-Coburn #2439 (crop insurance);
- Snowe #2190 (milk marketing order reform);
- Ayotte #2192 (value added grants);
- Collins #2444 (dairy);
- Grassley #2167 (pay cap marketing loans);
- Sessions #2174 (SNAP);
- Nelson (NE) #2243 (SNAP);
- Sessions #2172 (SNAP);
- Paul #2181 ($250,000 income limit);
- Alexander #2191 (wind loans);
- McCain #2199 (catfish);
- Toomey #2217 (organic/AMA);
- DeMint #2263 (broadband funding);
- DeMint #2262 (SoS Free MKT);
- DeMint #2268 (Loan guarantees);
- DeMint #2276 (checkoffs);
- DeMint #2273 (broadband);
- Coburn #2289 (MAP);
- Coburn #2293 (Limit Millionaires);
- Kerry #2454 (North Korea);
- Kyl #2354 (North Korea);
- Lee #2313 (Forest Legacy);
- Lee #2314 (CSP/CRP cut);
- Boozman #2355 (Ag research, law info);
- Boozman #2360 (TEFAP);
- Toomey #2226 (energy title);
- Toomey #2433 (sugar);
- Lee Motion to Recommit (FY 2008 levels);
- Johnson (WI) Motion to Recommit;
- Chambliss #2438 (conservation crop insurance);
- Chambliss #2340 (sugar);
- Chambliss #2432 (FMPP);
- Ayotte #2195 (GAO crop insurance fraud report);
- Blunt #2246 (veterans);
- Moran #2403 (food aid);
- Moran #2443 (beginning farmers)
- Vitter #2363 (pets);
- Toomey #2247 (paperwork);
- Sanders #2310 (genetically engineered food);
- Coburn #2214 (convention funding);
- Boxer #2456 (aerial inspections);
- Johanns #2372 (aerial inspections);
- Murray #2455 (sequestration);
- McCain #2162 (Sequestration report - DoD); and
- Rubio #2166 (RAISE Act).
That at 2:15pm, Tuesday, June 19th, the Senate proceed to votes in relation to the amendments in the order listed alternating between Republican and Democratic sponsored amendments; that there be no amendments or motions in order to the amendments prior to the votes other than motions to waive points of order and motions to table; that there be two minutes of debate equally divided in the usual form in between the votes and all after the first vote be ten minute votes; that the Toomey #2247; Sanders #2310; Coburn #2214; Boxer #2456; Johanns #2372; Murray #2455; McCain #2162 and the Rubio amendment #2166 be subject to a 60 affirmative vote threshold; that the clerks be authorized to modify the instruction lines on amendments so the page and line numbers match up correctly; that upon disposition of the amendments, the bill, as amended, be read a third time; that there be up to ten minutes equally divided in the usual form prior to a vote on passage of the bill, as amended, if amended; finally, the vote on passage of the bill be subject to a 60 affirmative vote threshold.