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Amendments to S.3240, the Farm bill
The following amendments have been considered to
, the Farm bill:
Reid 2nd degree
amendment #2393
amendment #2392
(the text of the Shaheen
amendment #2160
- sugar); tabled: 50-46
amendment #2392
(the text of the Paul
amendment #2182
SNAP); tabled: 65-33
amendment #2389
(managers' amendment); agreed to UC
Reid 2nd degree
amendment #2390
amendment #2389
(date change); withdrawn
Reid motion to recommit the bill with
amendment #2391
; withdrawn
amendment # 2406
which is the text of Coburn
amendment #2353
(to eliminate certain working lands conservation programs); withdrawn
Reid amendment 2407 which is the text of DeMint
amendment #2285
(convert all mandatory spending to discretionary spending); withdrawn
Akaka #2440 (tribal lands); agreed to voice vote
Akaka #2396 (tribal relations office); agreed to voice vote
Ayotte #2192 (value added grant); not agreed to: 38-61
Baucus #2429 (livestock); agreed to voice vote
Snowe #2190, as modified (study re: milk marketing order reform); agreed to: 66-33
Grassley #2167 (marketing loan); agreed to: 75-24
Brown (OH) #2445 (rural development); agreed to: 55-44
Sessions #2174 (SNAP); Not agreed to: 43-56
Cantwell #2370 (pulse crops); agreed to: 58-41
Nelson NE #2243 (SNAP); agreed to voice vote
Sessions #2172 (SNAP); not agreed to: 41-58
Casey #2238 (milk marketing study); Agreed to: 73-26
Paul #2181 ($250,000 income limit); Not Agreed to: 15-84
Coons #2426 (poultry insurance study); Agreed to by voice vote
Feinstein #2422 (conservation innovation grants); Agreed to by voice vote
Alexander #2191 (wind loans); not agreed to: 33-66
McCain-Kerry #2199 (catfish); agreed to voice vote
Feinstein #2309 (insurance recall); agreed to: 76-23
Toomey #2217 (organic/AMA); not agreed to: 42-57
Gillibrand #2156, as modified (SNAP); not agreed to: 33-66
DeMint #2263 (broadband funding); not agreed to: 45-54
Hagan #2366 (crop insurance); agreed to voice vote
DeMint #2262 (SoS free market); agreed to voice vote
Kerry #2187 (commercial fisherman); agreed to voice vote
DeMint #2268 (loan guarantees); not agreed to: 14-84
Landrieu #2321 (rural development loans); agreed to voice vote
DeMint #2276 (checkoffs); not agreed to: 20-79
Manchin #2345 (dietary study); agreed to voice vote
Merkley #2382 (organic crop insurance); agreed to: 63-36
DeMint #2273 (broadband); not agreed to: 44-55
Coburn #2293 (limitation on millionaires re: conservation); Agreed to: 63-36
Stabenow #2453 (NAP); Agreed to voice vote
Kerry #2454 (North Korea aid-Presidential waiver); Agreed to: 59-40
Kyl #2354 (North Korea aid); Not Agreed to: 43-56
Udall (CO) #2295 (bark beetle); Agreed to: 77-22
Lee #2314 (CSP/CRP repeal); not agreed to: 21-77
Schumer #2427 (Acer trees); Agreed to voice vote
Wyden #2388 (farm to school); Agreed to voice vote
Boozman #2355 (Ag research); agreed to voice vote
Wyden #2442 (microloans); agreed to: division vote
Boozman #2360, as modified (TEFAP); not agreed to: 35-63-1
Leahy #2204 (rural development); agreed to voice vote
Toomey #2226 (energy title); not agreed to: 36-63
Nelson (NE) #2242 (rural housing); agreed to voice vote
Toomey #2433 (sugar); not agreed to: 46-53
Klobuchar #2299 (transportation study); agreed to voice vote
Lee motion to recommit (FY08 levels); not agreed to: 29-70
Ayotte #2195 (GAO crop insurance study); agreed to by uc
Blunt #2446 (vets); agreed to uc
Moran #2403 (food aid); agreed to uc
Moran #2443 (beginning farmers); agreed to uc
Carper #2287 (poultry feed); agreed to voice vote
Johnson (WI) motion to recommit (nutrition/ag titles); Not agreed to: 40-59
Sanders #2254 (biomass); agreed to voice vote
Vitter #2363, as modified (pets/animal fighting)(60-vote thresold); agreed to: 88-11
Chambliss #2438 (conservation crop insurance); agreed to: 52-47
Thune #2437 (crop insurance); not agreed to: 44-55
amendment #2439
(crop insurance); Agreed to: 66-33
Chambliss #2430 (sugar); agreed to by voice vote
Chambliss #2432 (FMPP); not agreed to by voice vote
amendment #2202
(improve agricultural land easements); agreed to by uc
Boxer #2456 (aerial inspections)(60-vote thresold); Not agreed to: 47-48
Johanns #2372 (aerial inspections)(60-vote thresold); Not agreed to: 56-43
Toomey #2247 (safe drinking act paperwork)(60-vote thresold); Not agreed to: 58-41
Sanders #2310 (genetically engineered food)(60-vote thresold); Not agreed to: 26-73
Coburn #2214 (convention funding)(60-vote thresold); Agreed to: 95-4
Murray #2455, as modified (sequestration)(60-vote thresold); Agreed to voice vote
Rubio #2166 (RAISE Act)(60-vote thresold); Not Agreed to: 45-54
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