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2 roll call votes at 4:50pm re: Mandelker and Billingslea nominations

The Senate has reached an agreement that results in 2 roll call votes at 4:50pm. The first vote will be on confirmation of the Mandelker nomination followed by a cloture vote on the Billingslea nomination. If cloture is invoked on the Billinslea nomination it will be as if cloture had been invoked at 6:30pm tonight.

Wednesday at 4:50pm - 2 roll call votes

  1. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #94, the nomination of Sigal Mandelker, of New York, to be Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Crimes, Department of Treasury
  2. Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #97, the nomination of Marshall Billingslea, of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing, Department of Treasury