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Health Care PI/UCs; McConnell, Cornyn object

Senator Schumer asked unanimous consent that any substitute or perfecting amendment offered to Calendar #120, H.R. 1628 not be in order if the text of the amendment has not been filed at the desk and made available on a public website for at least 72 hours, along with an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office of the bill's budgetary, coverage and cost implications.

Senator McConnell objected.

Senator Durbin asked unanimous consent that an substitute or perfecting amendment offered to Calendar #120, H.R. 1628 be subject to a point of order if the text of the amendment has not been filed at the desk and made available on a public website for at least 72 hours, along with an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office of the bill's budgetary, coverage and cost implications; and that a motion to waive the point of order be in order and if a motion to waive is made, an affirmative 3/5ths vote of those duly chosen and sworn is required to waive the point of order.

Senator McConnell objected.

Senator Murray asked the following parliamentary inquiry through the Chair:

PI:       Is the Chair able to confirm that the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions considered S.1679, the Affordable Health Choices Act, which was ultimately incorporated into the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, in executive session on 13 calendar days prior to reporting the bill favorably?

CH:     (The Secretary of the Senate's Office, through the Senate Library, can confirm that.)

Senator Murray then asked unanimous consent that any substitute or perfecting amendment offered to Calendar #120, H.R. 1628 not be in order if the text of the amendment has not been the subject of a hearing, subject of executive session during which amendments from both the majority and minority were considered, and reported favorably by the Committee on Finance and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions.

Senator Cornyn objected.

Senator Wyden asked the following parliamentary inquiry through the Chair:

PI:       Is the Chair able to confirm that the Committee on Finance considered S. 1796, the America's Healthy Future Act, which was ultimately incorporated into H. R. 3590, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, in executive session on 8 separate calendar days prior to reporting the bill favorably?

CH:     (The Secretary of the Senate's Office, through the Senate Library, confirms that.)

PI:       I have information that indicates that 135 amendments were considered in committee and that of those, 14 amendments offered by Republican Members of the committee or offered in a bipartisan manner were adopted during the consideration of S.1796.  Is the Chair able to confirm that?

CH:     (The Secretary of the Senate's Office, through the Senate Library, confirms that.)

Senator Wyden then asked unanimous consent that no motion to proceed to Calendar Number 120, H.R. 1628, be in order until the bill has been the subject of executive session meetings in the Committee on Finance and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions during which amendments from the majority and minority received votes, and the bill has been favorably reported from those committees.

Senator Cornyn objected.