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4:00pm roll call votes

The Senate has reached an agreement that results in a series of up to 5 votes at 4:00pm today. The vote sequence is as follows:

4:00pm votes:

  1. Adoption of the motion to concur with respect to H.R.2146 (TPA);
  2. Cloture on motion to concur with respect to H.R.1295 (AGOA/Preferences) with an amendment (TAA);
  3. Adoption of the motion to concur with respect to H.R.1295 (AGOA/Preferences) with an amendment (TAA);
  4. Cloture on the motion to go to conference on H.R.644 (Customs Enforcement); and
  5. Adoption of the motion to go to conference on H.R.644 (Customs Enforcement).

Under the agreement, all pending motions and amendments will be withdrawn except the motion to concur with amendment. While the agreement doesn't preclude motions to instruct conferees, we do not know of any motions that will be made.