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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Thursday, June 25, 2009

  • Passed S1358, Patent and Trademark
  • S.Res.190, National Men's Health Week
  • S.Res.199, recognizing the contributions of the recreational boating community and the boating industry to the continuing prosperity of the United States.
  • S.Con.Res.31, Adjournment Resolution
  • Confirmed the following nominations:
  • Lawrence Strickling--Asst Secty (Communications)
  • Mercedes Marquez--Asst Secty HUD
  • Robert Litt--General Counsel-DNI
  • Stephen Preston--General Counsel-CIA
  • Ellen Tauscher--Under Secty State --Arms Control
  • Kurt Campbell--Asst Secty State (Eastern Asian & Pacific Affairs)
  • Julius Genachowski-Member FCC
  • Robert McDowell-Member FCC
  • Kathleen Martinez-Asst Secty Labor
  • Kathy Greenlee--Asst Secty Aging-HHS
  • Dennis McCarthy--Asst Secty Defense
  • Daniel M. Rooney-Amb. to IrelandForeign Service beginning with Susan Marie Carl and ending with Dale N. Tasharski