- Sessions #1334;
- Hirono #1718;
- Fischer #1594;
- Blumenthal #1636;
- Vitter #1445;
- Brown #1311;
- Toomey #1599;
- Hagan #1386;
- Coats #1563;
- McCaskill #1457;
- Johnson (WI) #1380;
- Boxer #1260;
- Cruz #1580;
- Feinstein #1250;
- Lee #1214;
- Udall (NM) #1218;
- Vitter #1577;
- Tester #1459;
- Vitter #1474;
- Heitkamp #1593;
- Lee #1207;
- Whitehouse #1419;
- Cruz #1579;
- Udall (NM) #1691;
- Cruz #1583;
- Heinrich #1342;
- Cruz #1585;
- Reed (RI) #1608;
- Cruz #1586;
- Nelson-Wicker #1253;
- McCain-Cardin #1469; and
- Portman-Tester #1634.
That at 9am, Thursday, June 27th, the Senate proceed to votes in relation to the amendments in the order listed; that the amendments be subject to a 60 affirmative vote threshold; that there be two minutes equally divided prior to each vote; and all after the first vote be ten minute votes; that upon disposition of the Portman-Tester amendment #1634, the pending amendments to the underlying bill be withdrawn; the Majority Leader then be recognized for the purpose of raising points of order against the remaining pending amendments to the substitute amendment; that after the amendments fall, the substitute amendment, as amended, be agreed to; the cloture motion with respect to the S.744 be withdrawn; the bill, as amended, be read a third time, and the Senate proceed to vote on passage of the bill, as amended.
Senator Grassley objected.