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Cornyn objects to consideration of amendments to Immigration bill

Senator Leahy asked unanimous consent the following amendments be called up, en bloc; that the clerks be authorized to modify the instruction lines, where necessary, to match the intended page and line numbers of the committee-reported substitute, as amended; and the Senate then proceed to vote on adoption of the amendments, en bloc:

-          Baucus-Tester #1512;

-          Boxer #1240;

-          Brown #1597;

-          Cardin-Kirk #1286;

-          Carper-McCain #1558, as modified with changes that are at the desk;

-          Carper #1590;

-          Coats #1288;

-          Coats #1373;

-          Coburn #1509;

-          Coons #1715;

-          Flake #1472;

-          Heinrich #1342;

-          Heinrich #1417;

-          Heinrich #1559;

-          Heitkamp #1593;

-          Klobuchar-Landrieu-Coats-Blunt #1261;

-          Klobuchar-Coats-Landrieu-Blunt #1526;

-          Landrieu-Coats #1338;

-          Landrieu-Cochran #1383;

-          Leahy #1454;

-          Leahy #1455;

-          Murphy #1451;

-          Murray-Crapo #1368;

-          Nelson-Wicker #1618;

-          Reed #1223;

-          Reed #1608;

-          Schatz-Kirk #1416;

-          Shaheen-Ayotte #1272;

-          Stabenow-Collins #1405;

-          Toomey #1236;

-          Udall (NM) #1241; and

-          Udall (NM) #1242.

Senator Cornyn objected.