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Puerto Rico Agreement; 3 roll call votes today

The Senate has reached an agreement to complete action on the House message to accompany S.2328, PROMESA, today. There will be 5 hours of debate time equally divided between the two Leaders or their designees, with the Democratic time divided with 100 minutes for the opponents and 50 minutes for the proponents.

Senator Menendez, or his designee, will be recognized to make a motion to table the Motion to Concur with Amendment #4865, and Senator Sanders, or his designee, will be recognized to make a budget point of order and Senator McConnell, or his designee, will be recognized to make a motion to waive the point or order. Following the use or yielding back of the 5 hours of debate, the Senate vote on the motions in the order listed.

Finally, if the motion to table is NOT successful then following disposition of the motion to waive the remaining post-cloture time will be yielded back, the motion to concur with amendment will be withdrawn, and the Senate will vote on the motion to concur with the House amendment.

As a reminder, there is an all-senators briefing today at 4:00pm. Another message will be sent when we have a clearer idea of what time to expect the votes.

Time TBD today - 3 roll call votes expected

  1. Menendez motion to table the Motion to Concur with Amendment #4865
  2. McConnell motion to waive Budget Point of Order
Motion to concur in the House amendment to S.2328, Puerto Rico legislation