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Senate Floor Schedule for Wednesday, July 17, 2013

  • The Senate will convene at 9:30am on Wednesday, July 17, 2013.
  • Following the prayer and pledge, the Majority Leader will be recognized.
  • Following the remarks of the two Leaders, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session to consider Executive Calendar #178, the nomination of Fred P. Hochberg, of NY, to be President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States.  The time until 10:00am will be equally divided and controlled between the two Leaders or their designees. At 10:00am, there will be a roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the Hochberg nomination. If cloture is invoked on the nomination, there will be up to 8 hours of post-cloture debate on the nomination.
  • Cloture was also filed on the following items:
    • Executive Calendar #99, the nomination of Thomas Edward Perez, of MD, to be Secretary of Labor; and
    • Executive Calendar #98, the nomination of Regina McCarthy, of MA, to be Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • If cloture is invoked on the Hochberg nomination, following disposition of the Hochberg nomination, there would immediately be a cloture vote on the Perez nomination.  If cloture is invoked on the Perez nomination, there would be up to 30 hours of post-cloture debate on the nomination.  Following disposition of the Perez nomination, there would be a cloture vote on the McCarthy nomination. If cloture is invoked, there would be up to 8 hours of post-cloture debate on the McCarthy nomination. If cloture is not invoked on a nomination, the Senate would proceed to vote on cloture on the next nomination.