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Up to 4 roll call votes at approximately 4:40pm

The Senate has entered into a unanimous consent agreement with respect to H.R.2055, the Military Construction Appropriations bill.  As a result of this agreement, there will be up to 4 roll call votes at approximately 4:45pm in relation to the following:

-          Ayotte amendment #575 (next-generation prosthetics) (possible voice vote)

-          Boxer amendment #577 (DoDEA school funding)

-          Coburn amendment #564 (Agent Orange)

-          Passage of H.R.2055, as amended

There will be 2 minutes of debate prior to each vote.

The details of the consent agreement are below.

By unanimous consent, the Johnson-Kirk amendment #556, will be modified further with the changes that are at the desk; Senator Warner will be added as a cosponsor to the Johnson-Kirk amendment; the pending amendments will be set aside and two amendments from Senator Hutchison be called up -- #562 and #563, en bloc, and following the reporting of the Hutchison amendments, the following pending amendments will be agreed to:

- Johnson-Kirk #556, as further modified;

- Wyden #570;

- Hutchison #562; and

- Hutchison #563.

Further, the pending McCain amendment #553 will be withdrawn; that no other amendments, motions or points of order will be in order other than motions to table or budget points of order and the applicable motions to waive; at 4:30pm, the Senate will proceed to a vote in relation to the following amendments in the order listed below:

- Ayotte #575;

- Boxer #577; and

- Coburn amendment #564.

There will be up to two minutes of debate equally divided between the votes; upon disposition of the Coburn amendment, the substitute amendment, as amended, will be agreed to; the bill will be read a third time and the Senate will proceed to a vote on passage of the bill, as amended; and the motions to reconsider will be considered made and laid upon the table.

Finally, that upon passage, the Senate will insist on its amendment, request a conference with the House on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses; and the Chair will be authorized to appoint conferees on the part of the Senate with a ratio of 9 to 8.