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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Thursday, July 23, 2009

  • Passed H.J.Res. 56, Burma Sanctions
  • The Kyl amendment #1760 (bilateral arms control), as amended by Kyl amendment #1807, was agreed to by unanimous consent.
  • The following amendments agreed to in the Managers' package:
  • Reid (Air America) #1481
  • Shaheen (Suicide) #1621, as modified
  • Feingold-Murkowski (Injured Reservists) #1675
  • McCain (US-Iraq cooperation) #1700
  • Voinovich (NG partnership) #1680
  • Brownback (Iran report) #1697
  • Hutchison (Strategic Ports) #1494
  • Levin (Transfer to Iraq) #1718
  • Nelson (NE) (Defense Travel) #1601
  • Casey (Counter-Terrorism) #1738
  • Landrieu (SBIR/STTR) #1703
  • Conrad (Nuclear Career Field) #1656
  • Collins reemployed annuitants #1523
  • Lautenberg (SoS/Health Costs) #1647
  • Durbin (Special Compensation) #1662
  • Risch (Air National Guard) #1741
  • Bingaman (AC-130 Gunships) #1746
  • Risch (End Strength) #1543
  • Hatch (Solid Rocket Motor) #1740
  • Menendez (Coalition Support Fund) 1687
  • Landrieu (Alternative Therapies) #1702
  • Franken (Service dogs) #1717
  • Ensign (State Home Care) #1521
  • Graham (Cognitive Rehabilitation) #1768
  • Boxer (Travel Reimbursement) #1752
  • Hatch (Federal Employees) #1739, as modified
  • McCain (Iran Freedom) #1775
  • Brownback (Irregular Platforms) #1735
  • Tester (Memorial Services) #1564
  • Kyl (Stockpile Stewardship) #1773
  • Kyl (Strategic Posture) #1774
  • Martinez (Iraq) #1795
  • Boxer (Flexible Spending) #1788
  • Shaheen (Yellow Ribbon) #1780
  • Casey (Post-Deployment) #1782
  • Baucus (Medicare Enrollment) #1779
  • Warner (Simulation Base) #1785
  • Thune (QDR) #1806
  • Inhofe (Sniper Rifle) #1803
  • DeMint (Global Posture) #1727
  • Dorgan (National Airspace) #1706
  • Leahy-Bond (National Guard) #1749, as modified
  • Klobuchar #1799
  • Landrieu #1620 (small business contracting)
  • Snowe #1688 (parity among small business contracting)
  • Chambliss #1765 (Joint Stars)
  • The Sessions amendment #1657, as further modified was agreed to by unanimous consent.
  • The following amendments were agreed to in the final Managers' package:
  • Begich #1572 (Territorial Guard)
  • Dodd #1802 (Special Pay)
  • Gillibrand #1801 (Steam Turbines)
  • McCaskill #1606, as modified (Molybdenum-99)
  • Nelson (FL) #1808 (Notification)
  • Nelson (FL) #1705 (study deadline)
  • Lautenberg #1797, as modified (MARAD)
  • Feingold #1732 (Advisory Panel)
  • Klobuchar #1753 (Mental Health)
  • Reed-Wicker #1758 (SOF)
  • Warner #1751 (D-Day)
  • Kerry-Chambliss #1661 (Reserve Retirement)
  • Cornyn #1653 (Taiwan)
  • Coburn #1811 (UN Report)
  • Casey #1516, as modified (A76)
  • Leahy #1812 (Casualties)
  • Sander #1658 (GAO/Childcare)
  • Chambliss #1796, as modified (F-22)
  • Sessions #1533, as modified (al Qaeda)