- Reed (RI)-Warren; and
- Sanders;
There will be up to one hour of debate equally divided between proponents and opponents on each amendment. There will be three hours of debate on the bill equally divided between the Chair and Ranking Member, or their designees, with Senator Boxer controlling 30 minutes of the Democratic time and Senator Reed (RI) controlling 15 minutes of the Democratic time. No points of order or motions are in order other than budget points of order and the applicable motions to waive. Upon the use or yielding back of time, the Senate will proceed to vote in relation to the second degree amendments in the order listed. Upon disposition of the Sanders amendment, the Senate will proceed to vote in relation to the Manchin-Burr amendment, as amended, if amended. Upon disposition of the Manchin-Burr amendment, the bill, as amended, if amended, will be read a third time and the Senate will proceed to vote on passage of the bill, as amended, if amended. All of the amendments and passage of the bill are subject to a 60 affirmative vote threshold. There will be two minutes equally divided between the votes. Finally, all after the first vote will be ten minute votes.
As a result of this agreement there will be up to 6 hours for debate prior to votes in relation to the following items:
- Reed (RI)-Warren second degree amendment to Manchin-Burr amendment;
- Sanders second degree amendment to Manchin-Burr amendment;
- Manchin-Burr amendment, as amended, if amended; and
- Passage of H.R. 1911, as amended, if amended.