S.2569, Bring Jobs..."/> S.2569, Bring Jobs..."/>
Legislative Business
Passed S.J.Res.40, providing for the appointment of Michael Lynton as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institute.
Adopted by voice vote S.Res.500, expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic of Moldova and support for the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity.
Adopted S.Res.501, A resolution commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Wright Museum of WWII History in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire
Adopted S.Res.489, A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of "Growth Awareness Week". , with Kirk amendment
Adopted S.Res.514, Designating August 10 through 16, 2014, as "National Nurse-Managed Health Clinic Week."
Adopted S.Res.515, Designating July 24, 2014, as "National Self-Care Day".
Adopted S.Res.516, Legal Counsel - State of North Dakota v. Beatrice Quill
Began the Rule 14 process to place S.2649 on the Legislative Calendar of Business
Executive Business
The following nominations were agreed to by voice votes:
The Senate confirmed the following military promotions:
#934 Maj. Gen. Partrick J. Donahue, II - to be Lieutenant General
#935 Col. Lee E. Payne - to be Brigadier General
#936 Col. Ricky N. Rupp - to be Brigadier General
#937 Col. Walter J. Lindsley - to be Brigadier General
#938 Brig. Gen. John L. Gronski - to be Major General
#939 Brig. Gen. Mark A. Brown - to be Major General
#940 Brig. Gen. Roger W. Teague - to be Major General
#941 Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. - to be General
#942 Lt. Gen. Joseph L. Votel - to be General
#943 Gen. John F. Campbell - to be General
#944 Adm. William E. Gortney - to be Admiral
#945 Maj. Gen. James K. McLaughlin - to be Lieutenant General
#946 Gen. Daniel B. Allyn - to be General
#947 Lt. Gen. Mark A. Milley - to be General
#948 Maj. Gen. Sean B. MacFarland - to be Lieutenant General
#949 Lt. Gen. Lori J. Robinson - to be General
#950 Gen. Herbert J. Carlisle - to be General
#951 Lt. Gen. Frederick B. Hodges - to be Lieutenant General