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10:00pm live quorum

We still expect a live quorum at 10:00pm. Senators are asked to report to the floor. The clerk will note they are present when they are on the floor.

Following the live quorum, there will be some votes. The exact number of roll call votes are yet to be determined. At a minimum, there will be roll calls on adoption of the ExIm amendment (majority vote threshold) and cloture on the highway/transportation substitute (60-affirmative vote threshold).

10:00pm-likely sequence--

Live quorum-senators are asked to report to the floor

Expected motion to table McConnell first degree amendment to underlying bill #2329 (2 month surface transportation extension) (successful motion to table would take down second degree SA #2330) (likely voice vote);

Point of order against McConnell amendment #2328 (ACA repeal) (possible Lee appeal the ruling of the chair on germaneness)

Adoption of Kirk amendment #2327 (Ex-Im reauthorization) (majority vote threshold); and

Cloture on McConnell amendment #2266, as modified (highway substitute) (60-vote threshold).