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Schedule for Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Senate stands adjourned until 11:00am on Tuesday, July 28, 2015.

Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of H.R.22, the legislative vehicle for the Highway bill. All time during adjournment of the Senate will count post-cloture on the McConnell amendment #2266, as modified (highway/transportation substitute). If all time is used, the post-cloture debate time would expire at 5:08am on Wednesday, July 29. Procedural votes are possible on Tuesday.

Pending Amendments to H.R.22, the legislative vehicle for the Highway bill

McConnell amendment #2266, as modified (highway substitute)

McConnell first degree amendment #2421 to SA #2266 (highway/transportation with technical changes and without Ex-Im)

McConnell for Inhofe second degree amendment #2533 to SA #2421 (highway/transportation with technical changes and with Ex-Im)

McConnell first degree amendment to underlying bill SA #2417 (date change)

McConnell second degree amendment #2418 (date change)