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Andrea, Hoza, and Polaschik nominations by voice votes

The Senate confirmed the McDonald nomination by a vote of 97-0. The Senate then confirmed Andrea, Hoza, and Polaschik nominations by voice votes.

The Senate is now considering H.R. 5021, Highway and Transportation Funding Act. The Wyden-Hatch #3582, Carper-Corker-Boxer #3583, Lee #3584, and Toomey #3585 are in order prior to a vote on passage of the bill, as amended, if amended. The amendments and passage are subject to 60-affirmative vote thresholds. There is 1 hour for debate on each amendment and 2 hours on the bill, but we hope to yield back some time and vote in the 5-5:30pm range. Another message will be sent once we have a better idea of when the votes will occur.

TBD-up to 5 roll call votes:

  1. Wyden amendment #3582 (text of Finance-reported bill)
  2. Carper-Corker-Boxer amendment #3583 (Date Change and Finance Committee-reported financing provisions, with the exception of pension smoothing provisions)
  3. Lee amendment #3584 (devolution/text of S.1702)
  4. Toomey amendment #3585 (Exemptions - Damaged Road/Bridge reconstruction)
  5. Passage of H.R.5021, Highway and Transportation Funding Act, as amended, if amended