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Up to 2 roll call votes at 10:55am--Paul #1739 (Egypt) cloture on Jones (ATF)

The Senate has resumed consideration of S.1243, the THUD Appropriations bill. There will now be up to 60 minutes for debate prior to a vote in relation to Paul amendment #1739 (Egypt).

If all time is used, at approximately 10:55am, there will be up to 2 roll call vote in relation to the following items:

-          In relation to the Paul amendment #1739 (Egypt) to S.1243, THUD Appropriations (likely will be a motion to table); and

-          Motion to invoke cloture on the nomination of Byron Todd Jones to be Director of the ATF.

There is a possibility that we reach an agreement to move the cloture vote on the Jones nomination for later today, and if cloture is invoked proceed immediately to a vote on confirmation of the Jones nomination. 2pm seems like a reasonable time to vote, but no agreement has been reached yet. We also plan to recess for the special caucus today. Another message will be sent when any agreements are reached.