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Emergency Supplemental unanimous consent requests

The motion to waive the budget point of order was not waived by a vote of 50-44. As a result, the Supplemental is dead.

Senator Reid then asked 3 unanimous consent requests to pass individual bills to fund Iron Dome and wildfires; wildfire appropriations only; and then Iron Dome appropriations only. Senator Coburn objected to each of the requests.

1)      Reid asked consent to pass H.J.Res.76, Legislative vehicle for Iron Dome/Wildfires Appropriations. Senator Cornyn objected.

2)      Senator Reid asked consent to pass H.J.Res.76, Legislative vehicle for Wildfires Appropriations. Senator Cornyn objected.

3)      Senator Reid asked consent to pass H.J.Res.76, Legislative vehicle for Iron Dome Appropriations. Senator Coburn asked the request be modified and to agree to a Coburn amendment that would provide an offset for the bill. Senator Reid declined to modify his request. Senator Coburn objected to the original request.

We are told the Republicans will not raise a point of order against the Highway funding bill. If that holds, there would not be a vote on a motion to waive re: Highway Funding. There would be a vote on the motion to recede, which is essentially passage of the bill. If the motion to recede is agreed to, the bill would be sent to the President.


H.J.Res.76 - Legislative vehicle - Iron Dome/Wildfires Appropriations

Leader:            I ask unanimous consent the Senate proceed to the consideration of Calendar #220, H.J.Res.76; that a Mikulski substitute amendment at the desk providing emergency appropriations for the Iron Dome defense system in Israel and combating wildfires in the western states be agreed to; that the joint resolution, as amended, be read a third time and passed; and the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate.

Chair:  Is there objection to the request?

H.J.Res.76, making continuing appropriations for the National Nuclear Security Administration.

Mikulski substitute amendment making emergency supplemental appropriations to provide funding for the Israeli Iron Dome defense system and to combat wildfires in the western states.



H.J.Res.76 - Legislative vehicle - Wildfires Appropriations

Leader:            I ask unanimous consent the Senate proceed to the consideration of Calendar #220, H.J.Res.76; that a Mikulski substitute amendment at the desk providing emergency appropriations for combating wildfires in the western states be agreed to; that the joint resolution, as amended, be read a third time and passed; and the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate.

Chair:  Is there objection to the request?

H.J.Res.76, making continuing appropriations for the National Nuclear Security Administration.

Mikulski substitute amendment making emergency supplemental appropriations to provide funding to combat wildfires in the western states.

H.J.Res.76 - Legislative vehicle - Iron Dome Appropriations

Leader:            I ask unanimous consent the Senate proceed to the consideration of Calendar #220, H.J.Res.76; that a Reid-McConnell-Mikulski substitute amendment at the desk providing emergency appropriations for the Iron Dome defense system in Israel be agreed to; that the joint resolution, as amended, be read a third time and passed; and the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate.

Chair:  Is there objection to the request?

H.J.Res.76, making continuing appropriations for the National Nuclear Security Administration.

Reid-McConnell-Mikulski substitute amendment making emergency supplemental appropriations to provide funding for the Israeli Iron Dome defense.