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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Thursday, August 03, 2006

  • S.Res.548, a resolution regarding Lebanon
  • S.843, Combatting Autism Act (with technical amendment)
  • S.Res.468, Channel Islands National Park
  • H.R.3858, Pets Evacuation and Transportation (with Lautenberg-Stevens substitute amendment)
  • S.Res.554, a resolution to authorize the printing of a document, "Committee on Budget, U.S. Senate 32nd Anniversary"
  • S.2068, D.C. Superior Court
  • S.1899, Indian Child Protection (with McCain-Dorgan amendment)
  • S.3836, a bill to reauthorize the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy
  • H.R.2066, General Services Administration Modernization Act (with Levin amendment)
  • H.R.3508, District of Columbia Omnibus Authorization Act
  • S.466, Rockland Harbor (with Snowe and Jeffords amendments)
  • S.Res.555, Legal Counsel representation
  • S.2694, Veterans Choice of Representation and Benefits Enhancement
  • H.Con.Res.467, Adjournment Resolution
  • S.3534, Youthbuild Transfer Act (with amendment)
  • S.Res.545, a resolution recognizing the life and achievements of Will Keith Kellogg
  • S.Res.532, Children and Families Day
  • S.Res.556, a resolution supporting National Peripheral Arterial Disease Awareness Week