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3:45pm cloture vote on McConnell substitute amendment #2640 (Iran resolution of disapproval)

Senator McConnell asked unanimous consent that at 3:30pm today the Senate vote on H.J.Res.61, as amended with McConnell amendment #2640 (Iran Resolution of Disapproval) with a majority vote threshold.

Senator Reid objected.

Senator Reid then asked consent that at 3:45pm today the Senate vote on passage of H.J.Res. 61, as amended with McConnell amendment #2640 (Iran Resolution of Disapproval), with a 60 vote threshold.

Senator McConnell objected.

Senator McConnell then asked consent that the cloture vote on the substitute amendment #3640 to H.J.Res.61 occur at 3:45pm today, with the time until 3:45pm equally divided between the two Leaders or their designees.

Senator Reid made the following statement and ultimately did not object.

As a result of this agreement, at 3:45pm there will be a cloture vote on the McConnell substitute amendment #2640 to H.J.Res.61, the Iran Resolution of Disapproval.