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Senate resumes consideration of S.2848, WRDA; 2:45pm roll call vote reminder

The Senate has resumed consideration of S.2848, Water Resources Development Act.

By consent, the time from 2:00pm to 2:25pm will be controlled by Senator Manchin. The time from 2:25pm until 2:45pm will be reserved as follows:

-10 minutes for Senator Enzi

-5 minutes each for Senators Inhofe and Boxer

As a reminder, at 2:45pm the Senate will proceed to up to 3 roll call votes:

  • Motion to waive the budget point of order
  • Adoption of Inhofe-Boxer substitute amendment #4979, as amended (voice vote expected).
  • Motion to invoke cloture on S.2848, WRDA, as amended, if amended.