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Senate to consider Patenaude nomination at 1:00pm; RCV at 1:40pm; NDAA status

At 1:00pm today, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session for the consideration of Executive Calendar #109, the nomination of Pamela Hughes Patenaude, to be Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; under yesterday's agreement, there will be 40 minutes of debate followed by a vote on confirmation of the nomination.

Therefore, senators should expect a roll call vote on confirmation of the Patenaude nomination as early as 1:40pm today.

On NDAA, Senator McConnell announced on the floor that we are unable to come to an agreement on a path forward to consider additional amendments. There is an effort to move the cloture vote to this afternoon and finish the bill Monday.

Senators should expect at least 1 roll call vote as early as 1:40pm today.