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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Wednesday, September 15, 2004

  • S.1307, Fish passage and screening
  • S.1355, Wallowa Lake Dam in Oregon
  • S.1421, Alaska Natives
  • H.R.2696, Fire-adapted forest and woodland
  • S.1071, Arch Hurley Conservancy
  • S.1582, Valles Caldera
  • S.1687, Interpretation site
  • S.1778, Craig, Alaska land
  • S.1791, Funds deposited Reclamation fund
  • H.R.1521, Johnstown Flood Monument
  • H.R.3249, Forest Counties payments
  • S.2180, Arapaho and Roosevelt forests
  • S.2243, Hydroelectric project - Alaska
  • H.R.1648, Water distribution system - California
  • H.R.1732, Water Recycling and Reuse project
  • H.R.3209, Acreage - North Loup division
  • S.180, National Aviation Heritage Area
  • S.211, Northern Rio Grande Heritage Area
  • S.323, Atchapalaya Heritage Area
  • S.1241, Kate Mullany Historic Site
  • S.1727, Dam Safety Authorization
  • S.1957, Hydrogeologic Mapping
  • S.2046, Everglades National Park lands
  • S.2319, Hydroelectric Project - Tapaco Project
  • S.155, Land conveyance Frannie, Wyoming
  • S.1467, Rio Grande Natural Area
  • S.1521, Construction Post building
  • H.R.1658, Right of Way Railroad - California
  • S.203, Land withdrawal - Big Horn
  • S.931, Avalanche Risk
  • S.2052, El Camino Rel de los Tejas
  • S.2167, Lewis & Clark Historical Park
  • S.2173, Sand Creek Massacre Site
  • S.2285, Land Conveyance - Beaver County
  • S.2287, Boundary Adjustment
  • S.2460, State Water plans
  • S.2508, Redesignate Ridges Basin Reservoir
  • S.2511, Feasibility Study Chimayo water
  • S.2543, National Heritage Area criteria
  • H.R.265, Boundary Adjustment Mount Rainier Park
  • H.R.1284, San Gabriel Basin Demonstration Project
  • H.R.1616, Land Exchange M.L. King Historic Site
  • H.R.3768, Timucuan Preserve Expansion
  • H.R.2828, CALFED (with Feinstein-Domenici-Bingaman substitute amendment)
  • S.1234, FTC Authorization
  • S.Res.426, a resolution commending Maryland's Olympians on their accomplishments at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece
  • S.Res.422, a resolution urging the President to designate the week beginning September 12, 2004 as Historically Black Colleges Week
  • S.Con.Res.137, a concurrent resolution calling for the suspension of Sudan's membership on the U.N. Commission on Human Rights