Senate Floor Schedule For Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Morning Business for 1 hour with 10 minute limitations. The Majority will control the first 30 minutes and the Republicans will control the second 30 minutes.
Following Morning Business, the Senate will resume consideration of H.R.3288, Transportation HUD Appropriations.
Pending amendments to H.R.3288: Coburn #2371 (10% requirement) Coburn #2370 (Road kill and beautification) Coburn #2372 (Transportation Museums) Coburn #2374 (HUD reporting) Coburn #2377 (Disclosure of reports) Wicker #2366, as modified (Guns on Amtrak) Vitter #2376 (Community Service)
There will be no roll call votes AFTER 3:00pm on Tuesday, September 15.