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1 roll call vote imminent (WRDA); cloture on MTP to CR vehicle moved to Monday, 9/19; 1:45pm roll call vote today

By consent, the cloture vote on the motion to proceed to Calendar #516, H.R.5325, the legislative vehicle for the short-term CR, will ripen at 5:30pm on Monday, September 19. Therefore, there will be only 1 roll call vote at approximately 11:30am today (passage of WRDA).

Also by consent, at 1:30pm today, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session to consider the nomination of Executive Calendar #698, Susan Gibson, of Virginia, to be Inspector General of the National Reconnaissance Office. There will be 15 minutes of debate followed by a roll call vote on confirmation of the nomination.

Today at approximately 11:30am - 1 roll call vote

  1. Passage of S.2848, the Water Resources Development Act, as amended

Today at 1:45pm - 1 roll call vote

  1. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #698, Susan S. Gibson, of Virginia, to be Inspector General of the National Reconnaissance Office

Monday, September 19 at 5:30pm

  1. Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R.5325, the legislative vehicle for the short-term CR