Senate Floor Schedule For Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Morning Business until 11am.
The Senate is considering HR2388, THUD Appropriations.
The following amendments are pending: Landrieu amendment #2365 (Community development funds) Gregg amendment #2361 (Stimulus project signage) DeMint amendment #2410 (Murtha Airport) McCain amendment #2403 (Brownfields) Kyl Motion to Recommit the bill
The Senate reached the following agreement to complete action on the THUD bill tomorrow. Following a period of morning business tomorrow, the Senate will resume consideration of HR3288 and immediately begin to vote in relation to the following items: Landrieu amendment #2365 (Community Development Fund); Vitter amendment #2359, as modified (New Orleans public housing); DeMint amendment #2410 (Murtha Airport in PA); McCain amendment #2403, as modified (Brownfields); and Kyl Motion to Recommit with instructions. Under the agreement, second degree amendments are in order only after a vote on the amendment. There is also a provision in the agreement that would allow another substitute amendment minus any offending provision to be offered if a point of order is raised and sustained against the committee reported substitute. In addition, motions to waive any points of order are in order under this agreement. Upon disposition of the amendments and motion to recommit, the substitute amendment will be agreed to,
and the Senate will proceed to vote on the bill, as amended. The Senate will insist on its amendment and request a conference with the House. The Subcommittee and Senators Inouye and Cochran will be appointed as conferees. The cloture motion was withdrawn.