Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will be in a period of morning business for one hour, with the Republicans controlling the first half and Democrats controlling the final half. Following morning business the Senate will resume consideration of H.J.Res.61, the legislative vehicle for the Congressional disapproval of the proposed Iran nuclear agreement, with the time until 12:30pm equally divided between the two Leaders or their designees.
The Senate will recess from 12:30 until 2:15pm to allow for the weekly caucus meetings.
As a reminder, this evening the Senate tabled the amendment tree and Senator McConnell offered amendment #2656 (prohibits removal of Iran sanctions unless 4 political hostages are released and Iran formally recognizes the State of Israel as a sovereign and independent state) to McConnell amendment #2640 (Iran nuclear agreement resolution of disapproval) to H.J.Res.61, and other date change amendments to fill the amendment tree.
Senator McConnell filed cloture motions on:
- McConnell amendment #2656 (hostages and Israel's right to exist),
- McConnell amendment #2640 (Iran nuclear agreement resolution of disapproval), and
- H.J.Res.61, Hire More Heroes Act.
Unless an agreement can be reached, the cloture vote on the McConnell amendment #2656 would occur one hour after the Senate convenes on Thursday, September 17. If cloture is not invoked, there would be an immediate cloture vote on the McConnell amendment #2640. If cloture is not invoked on SA #2640, there would be an immediate cloture vote on H.J.Res.61. If cloture is invoked on any of these items, there would be up to 30 hours for debate.
The filing deadline for first degree amendments to SA #2640 and the joint resolution is 2:30pm tomorrow, Wednesday, September 16. Amendments must be germane and timely filed to be considered in order post-cloture.