Senate Floor Schedule For Thursday, September 17, 2009
Morning Business for 1 hour. Majority will control the first 30 minutes and the Republicans will control the second 30 minutes.
Following Morning Business, proceed to H.R.2996, Interior Appropriations.
The following amendments are pending to H.R.2996: Johanns #2394 (ACORN)
12:30pm Executive Session to consider Gerard E. Lynch to be U.S. Circuit Jedge for the Second Circuit with 2 hours for debate.
2:30pm resume H.R.3288, Transportation HUD Appropriations and proceed to vote in relation to the following items:
Landrieu amendment #2365 (Community Development Fund); Vitter amendment #2359, as modified (New Orleans public housing); DeMint amendment #2410 (Murtha Airport in PA); McCain amendment #2403, as modified (Brownfields); Kyl Motion to Recommit with instructions; Passage of H.R.3288, as amended, THUD Appropriations; Confirmation of Gerald E. Lynch to be U.s. Circuit Court for the SEcond Circuit; and Johanns amendment #2394 (ACORN).
There will be no further roll call votes today. The next vote is expected around 11:00am on Tuesday.
The Senate is considering H.R.2996, Interior Appropriations.