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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Thursday, September 18, 2008

  • S.531, Bennett Freeze
  • S.2606, United States Fire Administration Act of 2008 (Lieberman-Collins Substitute amendment #5631 and the Committee substitute amendment, as amended);
  • S.Res.601, designating October 19 through October 25, 2008, as "National Save for Retirement Week";
  • S. Res.623, recognizing the importance of the role of the Lander Trail in the settlement of the American West on the 150th anniversary of the Lander Trail;
  • S.Res.650, recognizing the importance of National Neighbor Day, National Good Neighbor Day, and National Neighborhood Day;
  • S. Res.667, designating September 2008 as National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month