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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Tuesday, September 19, 2006

  • S.2463, Wilderness Area - New Hampshire (with Leahy amendment)
  • S.Res.573, a resolution calling on the U.S. government and the international community to support the successful transition from conflict to sustainable peace in Uganda
  • Appoint conferees to H.R.4954, the Port Security bill (Collins, Coleman, Bennett, Lieberman, Levin, Stevens, Lott, Hutchison, Inouye, Lautenberg, Grassley, Hatch, Baucus, Shelby, Sarbanes and Murray)
  • House Message to accompany H.R.2864, WRDA - Insist on Senate amendment, agree to request for conference and appoint conferees (Inhofe, Warner, Bond, Voinovich, Chafee, Murkowski, Vitter, Jeffords, Baucus, Lieberman, Boxer and Carper)