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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Wednesday, September 23, 2009

  • Adopted S. Res.253, is a resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the Government of Libya should apologize for the welcome home ceremony held to celebrate the release of convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi
  • Passed H.R.1035, Morris K. Udall Schollarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Amendments Act (with Bingaman amendment)
  • Adopted H.Con.Res.59, supporting the goals and ideals of senior caregiving and affordability
  • Adopted S.Res.41, Helen Keller Statue
  • Adopted S.Res.282, remembering the 20th anniversary of Hurricane Hugo
  • Adopted S.Res.283, expressing the support for the goals and ideals of the first annual National Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Day
  • Adopted S.Res.284, expressing support for the goals of "National Health Information Technology Week"